Friday 29 August 2014

Oum Errabiaa , Maroc

Oum Errabia or Oum Er R'bia is the second Moroccan river in terms of length. It rises at an altitude of 1240 m in the Middle Atlas 40 km from the city of Khénifra and 26 km from the city of M'rirt, rural town of Umm Errabia and empties into the Atlantic Ocean at town Azemmour
It is 600 km long and leads to the Atlantic Ocean Azemmour (Doukkala-Abda region). By its significant rate 117 m3 / s, many dams (eight) are constructed, the best known are Bin el Ouidane built on El Oued Aabid the side Azilal, near the town of Beni Mellal and 120 km Khénifra; and Maachou dam at the mouth of the Oum Errabiaa. This river contributes to agricultural development in the plain of Tadla and Doukkala-Abda that. Tributaries are Wadi Umm Errabiaa Srou (major tributaries at Khénifra are Oued Chbouka and Oued Ouaoumana) rt wadi Elabid to Azilal level .....

Hydrologically Khénifra province is a large water tank by its complex hydrological system.

These rivers originate in the region through 40 Khénifra sources.1 that feed the river to form three major water basins:

Basin Umm Errabia
Basin Moulouya
Basin Bouregreg

Building a series of dams on the Oum Errabia and its tributaries will be a challenge for the Moroccan government, which is to achieve its objective of irrigation estimated at 1 million hectares over the entire kingdom. Self-sufficiency in wheat production has not yet reached.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ouzoud Falls , Morocco

Ouzoud Falls is located in the territory of Azilal, which lies 150 kilometers from the north-eastern region in Marrakech in Amorbu 80 km from the town of Beni Mellal area and the nearest village atlas her big Tanajmilt and reaches an elevation of about 110 meters waterfalls. Azilal province, located in Morocco and is considered the most visited site in the region. Close to the green valleys, mills, orchards and a wonderful circle of throats and springs River slaves.
«Ouzoud» is a word meaning HCA molar which spins strongly push the water, the bottom of the waterfalls accessible through shaded by olive trees. At the top of the waterfall or collapses, there are a dozen of old small mills that are still in use. At dusk, crowds can be seen full of Alqirdh.fima lead many associations of local and national projects to protect and keep and maintain the site.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Ramona Falls, Oregon, United States.

Ramona Falls is a waterfall on the upper Sandy River on the west side of Mount Hood, Oregon, United States. It is located in forest along the Pacific Crest Trail at an elevation of 3,560 feet (1,090 m). The falls are about 120 feet (37 m) tall overall, consisting of a wall of cascades.

Saturday 23 August 2014


Sculpture d'un lion dans un parc de la ville.
Ifrane (Tifinagh: ⵉⴼⵔⴰⵏ, Arabic or إفران يفرن, delivered or Yefrān Ifran) (nicknamed Little Switzerland) is a city in Morocco, with 30 000 inhabitants located in the Middle Atlas Mountains, 1713 meters is altitude.Elle the capital of the province of Ifrane, in the administrative region of Meknes-Tafilalet.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Niagara Falls , New York

Niagara Falls is heavy on the Niagara River and is located between the city of Niagara in upstate New York and the American city of Niagara in the Canadian province of Ontario. The highest of the high side of the American Falls in the 56 meters at the Canadian side 54 meters. It consists of three waterfalls: a waterfall months Horseshoe (horseshoe) on the Canadian side and the American waterfalls separated by a straight Gott Island (goats). There is a small waterfall on the American side is called a waterfall Breydel Weil (Scarves bride) next to Luna Island.
On average, gushing six million cubic feet (168,000 m³) of water per minute, making it one of the strongest Falls north America precipitously. The waterfalls are used to generate electricity as well as attract a lot of tourists making them economically important milestone in the region. Waterfalls have been discovered by one of the Indians, who erected a statue of him next to the waterfalls on the one hand the American side.

Raging Bull,in New York City

Carved Raging Bull subject area in the center of Wall Street, created by American sculptor of Italian descent Arturo Di Modica that stands in Bowling Green Square in New York City, near Wall Street in Manhattan. This Almnhuthh become the most popular and photographed in this city, its popularity has been compared with the Statue of Liberty.

Peterhof ,in Russia

Peterhof (Russian: Petergóf) (mean Peter's Palace) is actually a series of palaces and gardens, which lies 29 km in the city of St. Petersburg in Russia was built on the orders of Peter the Great. Sometimes referred to as the Russian Versailles, it is also a World Heritage Site. The city was founded in 1710 to be the headquarters for the rural emperors of Russia and was granted city status in 1762. architectural ruins as the city is famous for its palaces and parks, which are designed and built since the 18th century

Times Square

Times Square (in English: Times Square) Square (Square) in Manhattan in New York is located at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue. Baltimes Square named for the existence of an office building where the New York Times (formerly the building is currently number one in Times Square). Where a ceremony will be held New Year's Eve each year and attended by hundreds of thousands. And Times Square of the most important tourist areas in New York, and by all the world-class restaurants such as Mcdonnlds and it replaces "world m & m's own beans chocolate., And there are trips Balatotbissat red with roles for tourists in order to discover New York City.'s Square Thames many hotels famous such as Sheraton .

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Toubkal , in morocco

Toubkal or Toubkal (Berber: ⵜⵓⴱⴽⴰⵍ, Toubkal, or ⵜⵓⴱⵇⴰⵍ, Toubkal; Arabic: توبقال‎) is a mountain peak in southwestern Morocco, located in the Toubkal National Park. At 4,167 metres (13,671 ft), it is the highest peak in the Atlas Mountains and in North Africa. It is located 63 km south of the city of Marrakesh, in the Toubkal National Park, and is a popular destination for climbers.
The first ascent by Europeans was on 12 June 1923 by the Marquis de Segonzac, Vincent Berger and Hubert Dolbeau, but the mountain may have been climbed before that date.[3]

Trekkers usually approach the mountain from the road-end village of Imlil. Qualified guides can be hired, as well as mules and porters, to carry equipment and food supplies higher into the mountains. For experienced mountaineers, guides are not required for the normal route, as it is a moderate hike and orientation is not a problem.

The normal route starts with an easy walk to the village of Aroumd. Past Aroumd a floodplain is crossed and the route follows the left slope of the valley southwards. The valley bends to the east to the tiny settlement of Sidi Chamharouch, which has grown around a Muslim shrine. At Sidi Chamharouch, the path leads over the stream and runs steeply uphill to the right side of the Isougouane valley, which leads to two stone-built refuges (old Neltner Refuge and new Refuge du Toubkal) that are often used as base camp at 3,207 m (10,522 ft). It is possible to buy good meals in the Refuge du Toubkal. Tents can be pitched near the refuges for a small charge.

From that point a path crosses the stream, climbs a steep scree slope to the east and enters a valley (corrie), then climbs another steep slope to reach a col (Tizi'n'Toubkal at 3,940m). At the col the route turns left (northwards) to the summit ridge of Jbel Toubkal. The 4,167m summit is crowned with a curious pyramidal metal frame and views take in most of the Atlas and Little Atlas Mountains.

The ascent during the summer (from May) is non-technical yet moderately difficult, only complicated by steep and slippery scree slopes and altitude sickness. Sturdy boots and proper (windproof) clothing are required, and trekking poles are helpful on the scree. An ice-axe may be needed on the remaining snowfields in the early summer. The ascent during the end of the winter and spring (February/March) is more difficult. Crampons are necessary to ascend through the snow and - in some cases - ice.

It is possible to climb the mountain in two days - first day up to the refuge (around seven hours without mules), second day to the summit (around five hours) and back to Imlil (up to five hours).

In summer the mountains can be very dry, but are sometimes subject to storms. Although the temperature should remain above zero during the day, freezing conditions are possible over 3,500m. In winter the mountains are covered in snow and ice, and can be prone to avalanches. Skiing is possible as the snow can lie to considerable depth and cover many rocky slopes. Information about state of the route can be obtained at Marrakech tourist offices or at Imlil.


The Himalayas, Himalaya gold, hima (snow) + Alaya (dwelling), Sanskrit word literally Meaning, "abode of the snow" [1]) is a mountain range in South Asia Separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau.
The Himalayan Range is home to the planet's Highest peaks, Including The Highest Mount Everest. The Himalayas include over a hundred mountains Exceeding 7,200 meters (23,600 ft) in elevation. By contrast, The Highest peak outside Asia - Aconcagua, in the Andes - is 6.961 meters (22.838 ft) tall [2] The Himalayas Profoundly-have shaped the cultures of South Asia.. Many Himalayan peaks are sacred in Hinduism and Buddhism Both.
Besides the Greater Himalayas of These high peaks there are parallel lower ranges. The first foothills, reaching about a thousand meters along the northern edge of the plains, the Shivalik Hills are called Expired or Sub-Himalayan Range. Further north is a Higher ranks or Mahabharat Range reaching two to three thousand meters Known as the Lower Himalayan Himachal gold.
The Himalayas abut or cross five countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, and Pakistan, with the first three Countries HAVING Sovereignty over MOST of the ranks [3] The Himalayas are bordered on the northwest by the Karakoram and Hindu Kush ranges,. on the north by the Tibetan Plateau, and on the south by the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
Three of the world's major rivers, the Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra-Tsangpo, rise in the Himalayas. While the Indus and the Brahmaputra Tsangpo-rise near Mount Kailash, the Ganges rises in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Their combined drainage basin is home to 600 million people Some.
Lifted by the collision of the Indian tectonic plate with the Eurasian Plate, [4] the Himalayan Range runs, west-northwest to east-southeast, in arcuate 2.400 km (1.500 mi) long. Its western anchor, Nanga Parbat, lies just south of the northernmost bend of river Indus, ict eastern anchor, Namcha Barwa, just west of the great bend of the Tsangpo river. The Range varies in width from 400 km (250 mi) in the west to 150 km (93 mi) in the east.

muralla china

La Gran Muralla China (chino chino tradicional :, simplificado:, pinyin: Cheng Chang, "Wide fortaleza") or (chino simplificado:; chino tradicional:; pinyin: Wànlǐ Chángchéng; literalmente "the large muralla of 10,000 Li ()" , li = 10 000 21 196 km.2 En China, 10,000 li representan el "infinite") es una antigua china fortificación Construida reconstruida y entre el siglo V a. C. y el siglo XVI (Edad Moderna) proteger para la frontera norte during the Imperio chino las sucesivas dinastías Imperiales de los ataques de los Nómadas xiongnu y de Mongolia Manchuria.

Counting ramificaciones y sus construcciones secundarias, if calcula que holds 21.196 kilómetros de largo, desde la frontera with Korea, the Yalu borde del río, hasta el desierto de Gobi, a lo largo de que outlines an arc Approximate el borde de sur Mongolia Interior, aunque hoy only if it retains a 30% de ella.3 En promedio, mide de 6 to 7 meters high y de de de ancho 4 to 5 meters. En su apogee during the Ming dynasty, custodiada fue por más de Un Millon de guerreros.4

The muralla fue designada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en el año 1987 Much of de la Gran Muralla de ser el mayor holds fame cementerio del mundo. Approximate 10 millones de Trabajadores murieron while on construcción.5 No se los Enterro en sí en el wall, till en sus inmediaciones.

El día 7 de julio de 2007 if god conocer que la muralla china elegida como fue a las de ganadoras en la lista de Las Nuevas You Maravillas del Mundo Moderno.

La Gran Muralla está hermanada with muralla Roman de Lugo, Galicia, España, también designada Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

Makkah Clock

Makkah Clock is a clock has been created over the House Towers complex in Mecca, west of Saudi Arabia, an increase of 601 meters to be the biggest clock in the world has been run in the month of Ramadan in 1431 experimentally,
Said Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, Emir of Mecca in 13-3-2008 that Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz ordered the establishment of Makkah Clock Tower at the top of the fifth stop of the project of King Abdul Aziz in Mecca at an altitude of about 601 meters, in order to be seen and heard from all sides , and from a distance of up to 13 km. Where the dimensions of the one-hour Mecca 43 meters wide in the 43-meter rise also topped with the word of God from all four sides.
Been manufacturing time by engineers and makers from Germany, Switzerland and other European countries and oversees the clock and numbers Romania on an area of the city of Mecca with a radius of 8 kilometers as you can see it and the distance they represent a unique architectural masterpiece.
Consists time of four interfaces, have been installed on the walls at the exits of light from the laser issued a light beam in different occasions, Kaloaaad Add to light signals the time of prayer and each sends the light of the sky just as the clock protection system integrated against natural factors of dust and wind and rain. Each engine weighs in on time more than 21 tons, and the solar panels to generate electricity to run the engines time, time is also linked to the electricity grid for the public Mecca, to provide additional electrical card. The interface for each of the four facades time an engine of its own, with a match between them at the time, linked by the timing of Mecca, which takes information from five high-precision atomic clocks constitute the main part of the center of the timing of Mecca.
The dimensions of the one-hour Mecca 43 meters wide at 43 meters height. The height of the clock tower about 250 meters, begins to rise built 350 meters above the ground at the top of the tower number 5 of the draft, "King Abdulaziz Endowment of the Two Holy Mosques" (Towers House), bringing the total height of Mecca hour to 601 meters. I covered the unique time in more than 98 million pieces of colored glass mosaic, in addition to more than two million units of the type of LED light for the purpose of lighting, covered with 430 square meters of carbon fiber developed. As has been the development of a mixture of bronze according to property fit the industry gears have been pouring a mixture Bronze manner continuous casting and then cut to the required size, are then formed roughly in accordance with the standards final which is still at a temperature of 50 ° C, and during the process of forming up machines to measure the accuracy of + / mm 3, and then be adjusted with high precision gears when parts are scaled in its final form. It also is monitoring all stages of work with electronic measuring manufacturing to ensure the accuracy of every part of the time on the unit. The series consists gears gears and teeth of the gears bronze confrontation with steel-reinforced specially Despite its large size, but the gears are Tashagaha within the chain gears varying up to 0.01 mm only, and contributes to the high accuracy of the clutch to make the moving parts moving with minimal friction.
The Crescent is located on top of the time the largest in the world, with a diameter of 23 meters and the length of a character thousand located in the word "God is great" in the top time of more than 23 meters. Are calling for prayer from the top hour Mecca by the most powerful audio system of its kind ever, and are lit during Athan 21,000 units of light white and green are used to enhance the visibility across the Mecca region, where it is lighting 24 rod moving, and 800 rod fixed.

Big Ben

Big Ben is the name that is known to the great bell of the clock at the north side of the Palace of Westminster, the seat of the Parliament of the United Kingdom in London, 1 and popularly by extension is also used to name the clock tower. Its official name was Tower2 Clock until June 26, 2012, in honor of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, it was decided that the tower would be called Elizabeth Tower (tower Isabel) .3

The clock tower houses the world's four largest faces, and is the third highest clock tower in the world.4 He celebrated its 150th anniversary on 31 May 2009.5 and performed various acts of conmemoración.6 The tower was completed in 1858 and the clock became operational on September 7, 1859.

Monday 18 August 2014

Church of the Holy Family

The Church of the Holy Family (in Catalan Expiatori Temple of the Sagrada Familia), known simply as the Sagrada Familia, is a Roman Catholic basilica in Barcelona (Spain), designed by the architect Antoni Gaudí. It started in 1882, is still under construction (August 2014). It is the masterpiece of Gaudí, and the greatest exponent of Catalan modernist architecture. According to data from 2011, is the most visited monument in Spain, with 3.2 million visitors, followed by the Museo del Prado (2.9 million) and the Alhambra in Granada (2.3) .1

Construction began in the Gothic style, but, assuming the Gaudí project in 1883, was redesigned completely. In accordance with established procedure, from rough sketches of the building, building improvised as he went along. Gaudí took over the project with only 31 years. He devoted the rest of his life, the last fifteen exclusive.

One of their most innovative ideas was to design high pointed conical towers that stand on the portals, and become narrower with height. The projected with a parabolic torque, which gives an upward trend across the façade, favored by many windows that pierce the tower following forms espirales.2

The temple, when completed, will have 18 towers, four in each of the three facades and domes mode, a system will have six towers, with the central dome church dedicated to Jesus tower 170 meters high , four others around it, dedicated to the evangelists, and a second dome dedicated to the Virgin. Both the exterior and interior are solved with an original construction system based on formal geometry.

In 1926, when Gaudí died, he had only built a tower. Single building project plans and a model in plaster was badly damaged during the War Civil.3 However, since then have continued without interruption works were preserved: the portals are currently finishing the Birth and Passion, and has Glory started; has covered all the space inside, and laid the foundations of the six central towers.

The work performed Gaudí, ie the Nativity façade and crypt, was listed in 2005 by UNESCO as World Heritage Site Site "Works of Antoni Gaudí". The temple was consecrated and declared a Minor Basilica on November 7, 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI: 4

La Rambla, Barcelona

La Rambla (Catalan pronunciation: []) is a street in central Barcelona, popular with tourists and locals alike. A tree-lined pedestrian mall, it stretches for 1.2 kilometres (0.75 mi) connecting Plaça de Catalunya in the centre with the Christopher Columbus Monument at Port Vell. La Rambla forms the boundary between the quarters of Barri Gòtic, to the east, and El Raval, to the west
La Rambla can be crowded, especially during the height of the tourist season. Its popularity with tourists has affected the character of the street, with a move to pavement cafes and souvenir kiosks. It has also suffered from the attention of pickpockets and, especially towards its southern end, sex workers.

The Spanish poet Federico García Lorca once said that La Rambla was "the only street in the world which I wish would never end."

Hassan Tower

Hassan Tower is a famous tower in Rabat, capital of Morocco, constituting the minaret of a mosque in the twelfth century unfinished. It is the most famous landmark of the city and one of Morocco's most famous.
Sultan Yacoub El Mansour of the Almohad dynasty planned to build the largest mosque in the Muslim world after the Samarra in Iraq.

Much of this gigantic work is unknown to begin with the name of which is unknown origin: place name, name of a tribe or name of the contractor? Some historians of the eighteenth century, including Spanish, the architect is a man named Gever, died in 1197 from Seville to the year which would have designed identically the Giralda in Seville, Marrakech Koutoubia minaret and the mosque Hassan Rabat . This hypothesis has never been confirmed. The only historical certainty, it is the date of commencement of work, and in 1196 the name of the sponsor.

The work was abandoned after the death of Sultan Yacoub El Mansour, in 1199 the minaret was to peak at more than 60 m, but only reached 44.3 m. The Hassan mosque, Hassan was therefore improperly called Hassan Tower.

The colonnade of the building was damaged in the earthquake of Lisbon in 1755.

Place de la Bourse (Bordeaux)

Place de la Bourse in Bordeaux was conducted under the stewardship of Claude Boucher by the royal architect Ange-Jacques Gabriel, between 1730 and 17751.
Place de la Bourse foot is the first breach in the walls of the Middle Ages and is intended as a sumptuous setting for the equestrian statue that was destroyed during the French Revolution, King Louis XV of France. Inaugurated in 1749, it is the symbol of the prosperity of the city. Successively called Place Royale, Liberty Square during the Revolution, imperial place under Napoleon, then again at the Restoration Place Royale. In 1848, the fall of Louis-Philippe I, she became Place de la Bourse.

The steward Boucher wants to open the city to the river. He wants to modernize Bordeaux and provide a face of the city more welcoming to the stranger who comes through the right bank of the Garonne. It removes some of the walls that surround Bordeaux and built a Place Royale. An equestrian statue of King Louis XV is placed in the center.

During the Revolution, the statue was replaced by a tree of liberty. She takes the name "Imperial Plaza" on the occasion of the coming of Napoleon.

In 1828, under the Restoration, the city stands a modest fountain shaped pink marble column topped by a white tent and a globe, on the site of the equestrian statue disappeared during the Revolution. In 1869, it was replaced by the current "Three Graces fountain" representing Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia, the daughters of Zeus, designed by Louis Visconti and sunk by Charles Gumery and Amédée Jouandot. Dice in October 2009, and every year the same month, a campaign of awareness of screening for breast cancer used as a carrier the Three Graces of the Place de la Bourse, wrapped in pink and bathed in a rose water.

Pont Alexandre III

The Pont Alexandre III is a deck arch bridge that spans the Seine in Paris. It connects the Champs-Élysées quarter and the Invalides and Eiffel Tower quarter. The widely regarded as the most ornate, extravagant bridge in the city It is classified as a French Monument historique.
The Beaux-Arts style bridge, with its exuberant Art Nouveau lamps, cherubsnymphs and winged horses at either end, was built between 1896 and 1900. It is named after Tsar Alexander III, who had concluded the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1892. His son Nicholas II laid the foundation stone in October 1896. The style of the bridge reflects that of the Grand Palais, to which it leads on the right bank.
The construction of the bridge is a marvel of 19th century engineering, consisting of a 6 metres (20 ft) high single span steel arch. The design, by the architects Joseph Cassien-Bernard and Gaston Cousin, was subject to strict controls that prevented the bridge from obscuring the view of the Champs-Élysées or the Invalides.
The bridge was built by the engineers Jean Résal and Amédée d'Alby. It was inaugurated in 1900 for theExposition Universelle (universal exhibition) World's Fair, as were the nearby Grand Palais and Petit Palais.

La Madeleine, Paris

The church of the Madeleine (French pronunciation :, Madeleine Church, more Monorail, The Church of St. Mary Magdalene; less Monorail, just La Madeleine) is a Roman Catholic church Occupying a commanding position in the 8th arrondissement of Paris [. 1] [2]

The Madeleine Church WAS designed in icts present form as a temple to the glory of Napoleon's army. To ict south lies the Place de la Concorde, to the east is the Place Vendôme, and to the west of St. Augustine, Paris.

Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile (French pronunciation:, Arch of Triumph of the Star) is one of The most famous monuments in Paris. It stands in the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle (originally named Place de l'Étoile), at the western end of the Champs-Élysées. [3] It Should not be confused with a smaller arch, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel , Which stands west of the Louvre. The Arc de Triomphe (in Inglés: "Triumphal Arch") honors Those Who Fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and the Napoleonic Wars, With the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on inner and outer surfaces STI. Beneath ITS vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I.

The Arc de Triomphe is the linchpin of the Axe historique (historic axis) - a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route Which runs from the courtyard of the Louvre to the Grande Arche de la Défense. The monument was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806 and Its iconographic program pitted heroically nude French youths against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It September the tone for public monuments, With triumphant patriotic messages.

The monument stands 50 meters (164 ft) in height, 45 m (148 ft) wide and 22 m (72 ft) deep. The large vault is 29.19 m (95.8 ft) high and 14.62 m (48.0 ft) wide. The small vault is 18.68 m (61.3 ft) high and 8.44 m (27.7 ft) wide. Its design was inspired by the Roman Arch of Titus. The Arc de Triomphe is built on a large scale Such That, three weeks after the Paris victory parade in 1919 (marking the end of hostilities in World War I), Charles Godefroy flew Nieuport biplane through it His, With the event captured on newsreel. [4] [5] [6]

It was the tallest triumphal arch in existence until the completion of the Monument to the Revolution in Mexico City in 1938, Which is 67 meters (220 ft) high. The Arch of Triumph in Pyongyang, completed in 1982, is modeled on the Arc de Triomphe and is slightly workshop at 60 m (197 ft).

Jardines de la Menara

The Menara Gardens are located west of Marrakech, Morocco, at the gates of the Atlas Mountains. They were built in the twelfth century (c. 1130) by the Almohad caliph Abd al-Mumin.

The name derives from menara small green pyramid (menzeh) the roof of the pavilion. This pavilion was built during the Saadi dynasty in the sixteenth century and renovated in 1869 by Sultan Abd ar-Rahman ibn Hicham, who used to stay there during the summer.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Mosquée Hassan II

The Hassan II Mosque is located in Casablanca (Morocco). Built partly on the sea, it is a religious and cultural complex, built on nine acres and includes a prayer room, a room for ablutions, baths, a Koranic school (madrasa), a library and a museum. The mosque can accommodate 105,000 worshipers and prayer room 25 000 faithful.

The Hassan II Mosque is the third largest in the world, the largest in the Maghreb, and has a minaret with a height of 201 m, the highest in the world. Craftsmen recruited from all the cities of the kingdom had carved 53,000 m2 of wood and assembled more than 10,000 m2 of zellig (ceramics) for the place of worship.

A large sunroof allows according to the wishes of King Hassan II to connect the building to the air, considered one of the three elements beneficial to life, with the land and water.

Designed by architect Michel Pinseau, it was built by the French group Bouygues, project management being provided by the Ministry of the Interior; at the time headed by Driss Basri.

Plaza de Yamaa el Fna

The Djemaa el Fna  ŷâmi' fanâ' in French: Jemaa el-Fna) is the main square and the most famous place in the Moroccan city of Marrakech. It rises a few meters from the Koutoubia Mosque, which is dominated by its minaret. Surrounding the square are also several mosques, more modest, accompanying the Koutoubia.

There are several hypotheses about the name of the square; by some [citation needed] means "assembly of annihilation" as it was the place where it rarely killed those who transgress; it is also suggested [citation needed] that "assembly" or "meeting" is a macabre reference to the fact that the cut of the executed around the square, as if they were holding a meeting heads were displayed. Other theories suggest that, since the word also has the meaning ŷâmi' mosque (mosque or mosque), could mean "place of the destroyed mosque," referring to the Almoravid mosque that he must rise there.

The square is large and is surrounded on all sides, except for one, full of the medina souks classified by their main activity. At the edges of the square have established a number of cafés, such as coffee France, and restaurants of all categories who open their terraces to the spectacle that is formed in this monumental scene.

Everything revolves around Marrakech Djemaa el Fna. Thousands of people gathered at this public space by filling it with color, culture and business are given. Storytellers, teachers expounding his teachings, snake charmers, dancers, dentists, sellers of fruit juices, acrobats, letter writers, drawers of water ... an infinite number of activities and people coming together and are crowding the square and its adjacent callejeas as it is evening.

Specialized food stations, each in its making, flooded with the evening part of the square, which is illuminated by hundreds of lights and flooded with lots of smoke odors.

In 2001 Unesco declared and registered in 2008 The Cultural Space of Jemaa el-Fna in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage humankind.

akchour in morocco

beautiful places in chefchaouen , Akchour

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