Sunday 30 November 2014

Five most beautiful islands around the world

Maui island of Maui Island
It is one of the finest in the islands of Hawaii's fourth largest islandwhich is one of the most popular tourist destinations to visitbecause of its 30 beach and the Gulf and the Gulf of such SlajtrhosHono Beach Fleming and all Manaspen for water sports such as diving, surfing and browsing
The island also has many resorts that offer the finest opportunitiesto spend enjoyable holidays also contains the island tourist attractions a garden national Haleakala and Lahaina, the most important destinations of tourism on the island and enjoy theisland's many landscapes of nature and that Schjek to capturebeautiful images to keep the memory characteristic of this beautiful journey also includes many stores and restaurants offering cuisine and Otaibha

Bali Bali Island
This island is located in Indonesia's province, one of the islands, which includes landscapes such as hills and mountains, coastsand rugged sandy beaches and strips of green rice as well as they contain many historical and cultural monuments, is one of the most popular destinations world as it includes many of the resorts that offer the finest opportunities to spend the holidays island fun andmany of the hotels, which has great views of the island is also famous Studio Kalnan arts, painting and music that plays in many festivals and social activities which brings delight and pleasure in the soul
And the beaches of this island a wonderful, clean and white sand, soft and suitable for relaxing under the golden sun rays or walkand roam the sea this island is suitable for swimming, surfing anddiving to see the beautiful coral reefs


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